Imp. Warehouse Offers Arlon Series 2100 Vinyl


Imprintables-Arlon2100If you need a sign vinyl to cover objects with curved or unusual shapes, Arlon 2100 cast vinyl is designed to be extra formable. Used properly, it can conform to even deep recesses and channel constructions. It’s a high-performance vinyl film that has an advanced adhesive system allowing it to be used on a wide variety of substrates including rigid sign faces and painted metal.

This 2.0-mil vinyl has a high-gloss finish and can be used on flat surfaces, simple curves, compound curves, rivets, and corrugations. It comes in eighty-three colors (including some metallics). Black and white have up to ten years of outdoor durability. Colors have up to eight years, and metallics have up to six years outdoor durability.

Imprintables Warehouse is a full-service distributor of equipment and supplies to create a wide range of apparel and sign graphics including digital cutters, printer/cutters, heat-applied materials, sign vinyl materials, and heat presses.

For more information, call 800/347-0068, email [email protected], or visit