The competition will consist of five matches during the three show days. Wrappers will compete on speed and volume of work completed, and will be judged by a panel of international wrap experts. The competition vehicles used in the event will be 2011 Chevrolet Corvette convertibles. To view the vehicles, visit www.hertz.com.
A maximum of sixty-four wrappers can participate in the contest and all participants, regardless of ranking, will receive a prize. The prizes awarded to the top four winners are:
1st Place – Mutoh ValueJet 64 Printer and $1,000 3M Certificate
2nd Place – SignWarehouse.com PrismJet VJ48 Printer and $1,000 3M Certificate
3rd Place – Royal Sovereign RSC-1400L Laminator and $1,000 3M Certificate
4th Place – Roland GX-640 Vinyl Cutter and $1,000 3M Certificate
Advanced registration is required, so sign up today! A registration form and more information can be found at: http://www.american-wrap-star.com.
Please visit the ISA American Wrap Star booth #1005, and stop by 3M’s Booth #714.