Mutoh’s newest machines—the ValueJet 1324-54-inch and 1624-64-inch Eco-solvent printers—offer up to 313 sq/ft per hour printing speeds (on the 1624), as well as exceptional image quality. Printers can be equipped with a SpectroVue VM-10 spectrophotometer. When the spectrophotometer is combined with the free, on-printer ColorVerify service, it assists users with process control by maintaining consistent print output and minimizing wasted time and materials.
The ValueJet 1608HS Hybrid printer will also be shown at Graph Expo. The flatbed printer can be used for both roll-to-roll and rigid substrates with equal ease. The Hybrid now runs on the all-new MP Ink, which is a BIO-based ink composed of 60 percent plant-derived materials and no harmful hazardous air pollutants. The ink also features faster drying times.
For a limited time, Mutoh will offer the ValueJet 1608HS Hybrid printer for $39,995 along with a SpectroVue VM-10 and ColorVerify service.
Mutoh will also host an “Enhance Your Image, Reduce Your Costs” seminar each day of Graph Expo at 11 am and 3 pm.
To catch a glimpse of the new printers and take advantage of the seminars, visit Mutoh at Booth #2250 at the show.