Orange Barrel Media recently upgraded its digital display at the high-profile W Hotel in Boston’s Theatre District. The new LED video screen was provided by SNA Displays.
“We are pleased to collaborate with SNA Displays to upgrade the screen at the W Hotel, and believe this new high-resolution display will be the perfect canvas to present arts, community and commercial content in one of the most visible locations in Boston,” said Pete Scantland, CEO of Orange Barrel Media.
For the retrofit, SNA Displays designed and built a custom subframe matching the existing knife plate mounts while simultaneously allowing for x-, y-, and z-axis adjustments between cabinets.
“SNA Displays’ LED products can be custom-designed to fit on any building structure, new or old,” said Mikell Senger, project manager for SNA Displays. “Given that our display products are highly adaptable to any environment and use case, we frequently retrofit outdated displays as we did in this case, providing newer, more cutting-edge technology.”

The new W Boston billboard is built from SNA Displays’ EMPIRE™ line of exterior display products and employs an 8.0 mm pixel pitch.
The video screen is approximately 24 feet tall-by-13 feet wide and sports a resolution of 900×680 pixels.
It’s also not far from Millennium Place, another digital out-of-home (OOH) collaboration between Orange Barrel Media and SNA Displays.