Hingst’s Sign Post: Processing Instructions for CoolPrint

Hingst CoolPrint

Hingst CoolPrintSign Builder Illustrated columnist Jim Hingst writes: “Some articles, such as umbrellas, backpacks, computer bags and raincoats, are difficult if not impossible to heat press. Now you have a cool new option from RTape Corp. It’s a printable, pressure-sensitive polyurethane film called CoolPrint. The new film sticks to virtually every surface. It even sticks to surfaces with a hydrophobic coating. And it sticks to leather.

CoolPrint is printable with solvent and eco-solvent inks. You can also cut it with a plotter with either a drag knife or tangential knife. Prior to production, perform a test cut to ensure that the plotter is cutting properly. Adjust the blade depth, downforce pressure, and offset value as needed.

To read more details on Jim’s “Hingst’s Sign Post” blog, click HERE.