The initial seminar included detailed information regarding the Federal Trade Commission’s new Lamp Labeling Rule. The seminar summarized all of the requirements for lamp packaging, the types of lamps covered under this law, and how the new FTC Lighting Facts label differs from the Department of Energy’s Lighting Facts program for LEDs. The attendee response was outstanding.
Bulbrite will continue its lighting education initiative with ongoing webinars covering lighting-related topics, especially regarding new legislation, throughout the year.
Bulbrite’s next webinar, “Lighting Legislation Update”, will be on Friday, April 1st at 1pm EST. The webinar will focus on the new laws affecting the lighting industry, including the EISA phase-out of inefficient lamps, and will review alternative energy-efficient light sources. The new Lamp Labeling Rule by the Federal Trade Commission will also be discussed, as well as the differences between the FTC Lighting Label and the Department of Energy’s Lighting Facts program.
Visit the company’s Web site at www.Bulbrite.com to register for the webinar.